
Inductance ke loop e koetsoeng le thepa ea bongata ba 'mele. Ha khoele e feta hona joale, ho thehoa matla a khoheli ka har'a coil, e leng eona e hlahisang motlakase o susumelitsoeng ho hanyetsa hona joale o phallang ka khoele. Tšebelisano ena lipakeng tsa hona joale le coil e bitsoa inductance kapa inductance ho Henry (H) ka mor'a rasaense oa Amerika Joseph Henry. Ke parameter ea potoloho e hlalosang phello ea matla a electromotive a susumelitsoeng ho coil ena kapa e 'ngoe ka lebaka la liphetoho tse teng hona joale. Inductance ke lentsoe le akaretsang bakeng sa ho inductance le ho inductance. Sesebelisoa se fanang ka inductor se bitsoa inductor.

Sehlopha sa inductance
Kaha inductance e ile ea sibolloa ke rasaense oa Amerika Joseph Henry, unit of inductance ke "Henry", e khutsufalitsoeng e le Henry (H).

Likarolo tse ling tsa inductance ke: millihenry (mH), microhenry (μH), nanohenry (nH)

Phetoho ea yuniti ea inductance
1 Henry [H] = 1000 millihenry [mH]

1 millihenry [mH] = 1000 microhenry [uH]

1 microhenry [uH] = 1000 nanohenry [nH]
Thepa ea conductor e lekantsoeng ka karo-karolelano ea matla a electromotive kapa voltage e hlahisitsoeng ho conductor ho sekhahla sa phetoho ea hona joale e hlahisang motlakase ona. Motlakase o tsitsitseng o hlahisa matla a khoheli a tsitsitseng, 'me motlakase o fetohang (AC) kapa oa DC o fetohang o hlahisa matla a khoheli a fetohang, ao hape a susumetsang matla a motlakase ho conductor sebakeng sena sa khoheli. Boholo ba matla a electromotive a susumetsoang a lekana le sekhahla sa phetoho ea hona joale. The scaling factor e bitsoa inductance, e hlalosoang ke letšoao L, le ho henries (H). Inductance ke thepa ea sekoahelo se koetsoeng, ke hore ha hona joale ka sekhahla se koetsoeng se fetoha, matla a electromotive a hlaha ho hanyetsa phetoho ea hona joale. Inductance ena e bitsoa self-inductance 'me ke thepa ea loop e koetsoeng ka boeona. Ho nka hore hona joale ho leqhubu le le leng le koetsoeng le fetoha, matla a electromotive a hlahisoa ka leqhubu le leng le koetsoeng ka lebaka la ho kenngoa, 'me inductance ena e bitsoa mutual inductance.

Nako ea poso: Feb-28-2022